Getting Involved
Becoming a friend of the Museum has never been easier. We are always looking for help through many angles.

Join our mission
As a 501c3, the HMNC uses its resources to help further our mission of sharing history with the community. There are lots of ways YOU can help us make sure our history is preserved. Do you have a skill or talent you would like to share? We have a strong an vibrant volunteer group who contribute the equivalent of 100,000 dollars in volunteer hours to keep the museum running. Do you like what we do and want to see us continue to do it? The vast majority of our funding comes from individuals in the community who contribute financially to keep the lights on. Do you or your family have artifacts that help tell the unique story of Newaygo county’s place in history? We would love to make sure it is preserved for future generations. Click on one of the categories below to learn how you can get involved! We exist because of you!
Donate by Mail

Donate Time
Fulfillment of our mission is dependent on the assistance of capable and supportive volunteers.
Please return your signed application to:
Or Attn: Ramelle
Heritage Museum of Newaygo County
P.O. Box 361, Newaygo, MI 49337

Donate Money
Supporting Members partner with us in our mission to collect, preserve, and share Newaygo County's history for future generations by providing assistance with operational expenses.​
Donations of any size are welcome!
Donations are matched 50% by the Fremont Area Community Foundation.
More Ways to Help​
Retiree Match - Please provide your employer's form​
Memorial Match by the Fremont Area Community Foundation​
Planned Giving ​
In-Kind Gifts of Goods or Services​​
Business Sponsorship
Please call Executive Director Steven Radtke at 231-652-5003 if you would like more information about these options.

Donate Stuff
Here at the Heritage Museum of Newaygo County we are always looking to add items to our Artifact Collection. Currently, we are no longer accepting newspapers, ledgers, account books, and other items that would be better suited for Research. These items could be offered to the Terry Wantz Historical Research Center based in Fremont.
If you are interested in donating your piece of history please contact the Artifact Collections Manager to set up a time to talk more about artifact donations. Please see and fill out the Donation Pending Review which must be completed and brought in with any donation.
Once a Donation Pending Review has been provided our Artifact Review Collections Committee (ARC) will review and decide which donations to accept. The main goal for our collection is to acquire Newaygo County history so we are interested in any story or history on your items to help the ARC make their decisions.
If you have any questions, please call (231) 652-5003 Monday-Thursday from 9am until 2pm or reach us directly at